Avengers Assemble is created by writer Steve Orlando, penciled by José Luis Soares Pinto, inked by Oren Junior, colored by ...
The iconic "Avengers Assemble" phrase has set the tone for Marvel's Mightiest Heroes since it was first uttered back in 1964.
Marvel Comics has released a first look at this Wednesday's Avengers Assemble #5, and after a run-in with the Serpent Society ...
Here are 32 excellent MCU superhero costumes we just can’t stop thinking about.
In Avengers Assemble #5, Captain America falls victim to the Serpent Society's nefarious serum. Can the Avengers save their ...
Astonishing Avengers spins out of today's Avengers Assemble #5 finale on Marvel Unlimited... and the first issue is free.
After knockout performances in the likes of 'Succession' and 'King Lear', Brian Cox named the one project he desperately ...
Endgame would play out as an adaptation of the comics. That film's final battle was still a visual treat, especially the ...
Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch has shared an Avengers: Doomsday “spoiler” that divulges a major detail about the Secret Wars movie.
While the Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk movies had proven successful for the studio, The Avengers was the true litmus test for ...
Captain America’s iconic line, “Avengers… assemble,” has become one of the most famous quotes in cinematic history, marking a climactic moment of unity and heroism. Among the most special ...
Last month's issue of Avengers Assemble ended on a helluva cliffhanger. The Serpent Society has created a deadly toxin known as the Serpent's Tears, which they intend to use on the general population.