The stock market is a mercurial beast. No matter how smart and prepared you are, you will still, at some point in your investing journey, find yourself totally gobsmacked by the goings-on of ...
Warren Buffett is one of the most widely followed investment managers in the world. And there's good reason for that. His ...
Warren Buffett is one of the most-watched investors on the face of the planet. It might sound bananas, but I think Warren ...
Warren Buffett always wanted to make money. As a child growing up in Omaha, Neb., he traded Coca-Cola and chewing gum with other kids, sold stamps and golf balls to adults, and worked in his dad ...
Thus, this chart could provide a stark warning that stock prices are being driven more by investor optimism than the underlying value of these stocks, exactly the kind of market condition that Buffett ...
Warren Buffett has long credited insurance as the ... This quip perfectly captures the balancing act insurers face: collect premiums today and hope claims don't eat you alive tomorrow.
Warren Buffett recently bought shares of Occidental ... Those valuations make the stocks hard to ignore, but the challenges they face with lower oil prices and listeners shifting to streaming ...