A Utah lawmaker wants to change the common scientific name of the Mormon cricket, citing the LDS Church's stance against ...
In recent weeks, Melburnians have reported thousands of crickets showing up in large numbers after dark, flying into homes and shops and taking up residence. The insect in question is the ...
The mole cricket is an invasive pest that attacks turfgrass and other plants. This unique insect gets its name from its huge forelegs, which it uses to tunnel through the dirt like a mole.
The spider cricket is a common American pest. This insect gets its name from its spindly, spider-like legs, but it’s not a true spider. This pest typically lives in caves and forests ...
"I often stroll around the Nagoya University campus to see insects. I still remember when I saw an ant cricket skillfully evading ants despite being surrounded by them," he said. "From that moment ...
Photograph by Fura Through his website, Javier sells bulk packs of dried crickets and mealworms, frozen locusts and silkworm pupae, and powdered insects. Snack packs are sold in local supermarket ...