Maybe you love to spring forward. Maybe you hate it. Either way, when it comes to saving electricity, a Yale economist says ...
It has been a yearly gut-punch for Michiganders since 1973, when the state first began observing daylight saving time.
More daylight is on the way as today's shift to Daylight Saving Time brings later sunsets and more daylight through the end ...
A quiet and sunnier pattern is in place this week. The first thunderstorms of the season are possible late Friday into ...
Looking ahead into the end of the weekend on Sunday high-pressure will build into the region and that will bring plenty of ...
For many the time change can disrupt sleep patterns, but there are simple steps you can take to make the transition smoother.
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your body and mind adjust. Take afternoon naps: If you feel tired in ...
The time change can be hard on our health. There are more car accidents, strokes and heart attacks this week. People eat more ...