PTI The Congress on Thursday took a swipe at BJP-RSS leaders on Martyrs' Day, saying there are people at the apex of the ...
The Congress on Thursday took a swipe at BJP-RSS leaders on Martyrs’ Day, saying there are people at the apex of the ruling establishment who reject Mahatma Gandhi’s sacrifices and claim India became ...
The Opposition asserted that the survival of the very idea of India depends on protecting and preserving the Father of the ...
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has accused Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal of being the "architect of the liquor scam," intensifying ...
In a social media post on 'X', Rahul said that Mahatma Gandhi was not just a person but he is the “soul of India”.
Gandhiji remains a towering figure, with his philosophy, thoughts on morality and politics being debated across the world ...