The Assam government has launched an operation to close down illegal rat-hole coal mines following a tragic incident in the Dima Hasao district. On January 9, nine miners were trapped in the 3-Kilo ...
According to data accessed by The Indian Express, 173 such illegal mines have been dismantled in land leased by Coal India Limited and on revenue, while another 61 mines have been have been dismantled ...
The Assam government has launched an extensive operation to shut down illegal rat-hole coal mines across the state following a tragic incident in Dima Hasao district.
The Assam government is carrying out an operation to close rat-hole coal mines in the state, following the tragedy in the Dima Hasao district, officials said on Thursday. At least nine labourers were ...
The Assam government is closing rat-hole coal mines after a tragedy in Dima Hasao trapped nine miners, with four bodies recovered and five still missing.
Following a tragedy in Dima Hasao, the Assam government is intensifying efforts to close illegal rat-hole coal mines. Despite a 2014 ban by the National Green Tribunal, these dangerous mining ...