The Great Frost of 1709, also known as the Big Freeze, was a severe and prolonged cold wave that occurred in Europe during the winter of 1708-1709. It resulted in extreme cold temperatures and had ...
There is always an element of naivete when attempting to extrapolate historical events from books that date back thousands of years. Three Wise Men, Macmillan Poster, 1960. But what exactly is the ...
From the time of the Renaissance forward, these fortresses were renovated into elegant mansions complete with gardens, turrets, and other architectural flourishes. The Latin “castellum” refers to a ...
The Reign of Terror, The bloody chapter of the French Revolution, led by Robespierre and the Jacobins, was an extremely violent time in the French Revolution. All those who opposed the current ...
When Charlemagne died in 814, his son, Louis the Pious, succeeded him on the throne. After his death, the Treaty of Verdun confirmed the division of the Carolingian Empire into three kingdoms.
In the Middle Ages, flowers and plants were imbued with rich symbolism, deeply connected to religion, culture, and literature. This period saw plants associated with virtues, vices, biblical ...
The Battle of Strasbourg, also known as the Battle of Argentoratum, took place in 357 AD between the forces of the Roman Empire and the Alemanni, a Germanic confederation. This battle occurred near ...
Louis XIII of France (1601–1643), also known as "Louis the Just," was the King of France from 1610 until his death in 1643. His reign was marked by the centralization of power, the expansion of royal ...
The phrase, which translated from Latin means "God wills it! (Deus vult)" and is featured in the subtitle of the article, marked the beginning of the era of the Crusades. Over nine hundred years ago, ...
Who were the medieval inquisitors? Whom did they hunt? Did witches really exist? Were they burned at the stake? How many people were killed in total? Judicial investigations were practiced by both the ...
55 percent of individuals in the US celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, which is higher than in many European countries. Today, around 63 percent of the entire United States’ population (332 ...
Befana is usually depicted as a witch flying on a broomstick, wearing a black shawl and covered in soot because she enters children's homes through the chimney. In many poorer parts of Italy, ...