The United Nations Human Rights Council on Thursday extended the mandate of the independent expert on the human rights ...
Violence against children remains a pervasive global issue, with up to a billion children vulnerable to various forms of ...
More investment in vaccines could prevent deaths due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and reduce antibiotic use by 2.5 ...
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) fired on UN peacekeepers in Lebanon early Thursday morning, according to UNIFIL, the mission ...
As the crisis in the Middle East grinds on, we are covering latest updates from the field and at UN Headquarters as Israel ...
A ceasefire is chief among the most compelling needs now in Lebanon, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the country, Imran Riza, said on Thursday.It is estimated that more than a million people have ...
In Lebanon, health workers and medical facilities have continued to be hit and killed by ongoing Israeli bombardment, a week ...
That’s one shocking revelation from a new report being launched by the UN’s Special Representative working to end violence against children, marking the beginning of the mandate 15 years ago.More and ...
周四,联黎部队的三个哨位遭到以色列国防军的攻击,黎以爆发全面冲突的前景似乎正在逐渐变为现实。在此背景下,安理会应法国的要求周四召开紧急会议,对目前局势进行评估。联合国负责政治事务及其维和事务的副秘书长分别向安理会通报了最新情况。安理会成员也代表各自国 ...
Le chef des opérations de paix des Nations Unies, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, a prévenu, jeudi, le Conseil de sécurité, que la ...
Subsecretários-gerais para Assuntos Políticos e para as Operações de Paz discursaram no Conselho de Segurança solicitando fim ...
联合国包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土和以色列问题独立国际调查委员会周四发布报告,指控以色列和巴勒斯坦武装组织均犯下了战争罪和危害人类罪。 人道危机与日俱增 ...