Another HMRC error has forced the appeal process to revert to the start. In /Mark Stewart Wyatt vs HMRC [1]/ [2024] UKFTT 867 TC09297, HMRC believed that ...
What do award winning accountants do differently to make their firms succeed? AVN’s Shane Lukas shares more insights from ...
My son's business invoices his clients for certain expenses eg fuel at cost which his clients reimburse and sometimes disbursements for example he ...
Here’s the situation I’ve been dealing with regarding Redstone Accountancy Services Ltd (new company seems to be called Redstone Accountancy ...
The taxpayer in /TalkTalk Telecom Limited vs HMRC [1]/ [2024] UKUT 00284 was left with a hefty £10m bill for underpaid output ...
Hi There is a company that rents properties then furnishes them and then puts them on airbnb and such websites.
Many practices that have been operating for more than 10 years have, (or least had), an office server, usually sitting in the ‘comms room’ - aka ...
Balancing work and family life can be tough, but Ben Allen /(pictured left)/, a partner at Glazers Chartered Accountants and a finalist for Practice Leader ...
Every year we review which applications our clients are running on our platform. Given the nature of what we provide (hosted desktops for ...
John Holliday /(pictured left)/, a partner at Pocknells, said that his lightbulb moment came after he bought into a practice at 27. “I was very ...
After Indeed posted a controversial view of career stages [1], AccountingWEB asked the Any Answers community what they ...
As an unregulated profession, R&D tax relief has seen its fair share of troubles. What options do responsible advisors have ...