While President Yoon Suk Yeol has decided not to comply with the third summons notice from the Senior Civil Servant ...
Anchor] The police strongly protested that the raid on the presidential safety house was canceled due to the restriction of ...
Anchor] Brentford Kim Ji-soo, who is drawing attention as the 'second Kim Min-jae', made his Premier League debut 18 months ...
North Korea has made a surprise reshuffle of important executives, such as replacing the Prime Minister from Kim Deok-hoon to Park Tae-sung. The Korean Central News Agency reported that cabinet party ...
The Associated Press and other foreign media reported that Israel raided Kamal Adwan Hospital, the last major medical facility left in northern Gaza, and detained more than 240 people, including ...
Anchor] Heungkuk Life Insurance, a professional volleyball women's team, broke its three-game losing streak with Kim Yeon-kyung and Jung Yoon-joo's double ...
Thousands of Busan citizens calling for the impeachment of President Yoon Suk Yeol visited Park Soo-young's district office, chairman of the People's Power Busan Party, and held an eight-hour protest.
Along with the arrest and prosecution of former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun in connection with the emergency martial law incident, the results of the investigation have been announced, and ...
2024.12.29. 오후 1:08. 전남 무안공항 여객기 추락…탑승객 85명 사망 소방청 "사망자 85명…남성 39명·여성 46명" 방콕발 제주항공 추락…승객 175명·승무원 6명 소방 "지금까지 시신 85구 수습·2명 ...
전남 무안국제공항에서 승객 175명을 태운 여객기가 착륙 중 담벼락을 들이받고 불이 났습니다. 사고 수습이 이뤄지면서 인명 피해가 늘고 있는데요. 현장에 나가 있는 취재기자 연결합니다. 나현호 기자! 사망자가 계속 늘어나고 있군요. 기자] 현재까지 사고 여객기에 탑승한 사람은 총 181명으로 집계됐습니다. 이 가운데 승객이 175명이고, 승무원이 6명입니다 ...
최상목 대통령 권한대행 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관은 오늘 오전 발생한 전남 무안공항 항공기 사고에 대해 가용한 모든 장비와 인력을 동원해 인명구조에 총력을 다하라고 지시했습니다. 최 권한대행은 정부서울청사에서 ...
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