Remembering wedding anniversaries won’t be a problem for nine couples who chose to go before a judge and make their vows on ...
Most couples might not look forward to surprises on their wedding days, but Jim and Glenda Manning don’t seem to mind.
A special opportunity on Valentine’s Day this year, thanks to the Minnesota Judicial Branch. They offered free weddings!
District Judge Eric Taylor has made a tradition of officiating Valentine’s Day weddings in his West Reading courtroom.The smile on Abdul Rashid Sesay’s face as he stood inside a West Reading courtroom ...
Justice of the Peace Susan Rowley spread the love to sixteen couples she married at the courthouse on Valentine's Day.
It wasn’t just any wedding, Harding officiated 22 couples exchanging vows. The mass wedding was at The Sweetheart Winery in Loveland.
On this Valentine's Day, the Davidson County courthouse teemed with brides and grooms. And one courtroom, in particular, was wedding central.