The series, which takes place in an understaffed Pittsburgh hospital, was created by R. Scott Gemmill, with John Wells and ...
"The Pitt" is a medical drama from the studio behind "ER," the producer behind "ER," and centered on one of the signature ...
The new Max medical drama chronicles a 15-hour shift at a fictional Pittsburgh emergency room. The second episode of The Pitt ...
When watching the premiere of Max medi- cal drama “The Pitt,” one might feel as if they’ve stepped into a time machine. The ...
Its creative team includes “ER” alumni, and it is a hospital drama starring Noah Wyle. But it is doing its own thing (and is ...
HBO’s streaming platform Max is emulating network TV with a weekly medical drama. Each episode tracks an hour of a shift in ...
A medical drama going for bracing realism is anchored by a strong central performance from a veteran TV doctor.
Victoria Javadi (Shabana Azees) is a third-year medical student and fast-tracked prodigy who experiences an embarrassment on ...
Max hospital drama starring Noah Wyle draws from the same creative team as the longtime NBC series and revives a TV formula ...
Formerly The Discovery Channel, those in Canada will be able to watch The Pitt on the USA Network, which comes as a part of most cable packages under Bell Media. Episodes will air at 10pm ET / 7pm PT ...
Noah Wyle returns to the emergency room as chief attending of an overwhelmed, understaffed Pittsburgh hospital in a medical ...