Few men use the most effective erection drugs because they must be self-injected into the penis. Few men are willing, but those who do usually like the results.
Sexual function is an important part of health for both men and women, and problems in this system need to be properly ...
This spider, which originates from South America, has such a powerful venom that its bite can cause a long, painful erection ...
Ohio lawmakers are preparing to introduce the "Contraception Begins at Erection Act," which would make it illegal for men to ...
The newly introduced legislation would make it a felony for men to “discharge semen without the intent to fertilize." It's ...
Two state lawmakers are planning to introduce a bill that they’ve nicknamed the Conception Begins at Erection Act.
It's not the first time a lawmaker has attempted to regulate male reproduction. Nina Turner, former Ohio state senator, ...
Two Ohio legislators are introducing a bill to prove laws that control a woman's body are as ridiculous as laws that control ...
"I don't think we should regulate anybody's healthcare," said one of the bill's sponsors. "Male healthcare or female ...
The newly introduced legislation would make it a felony for men to “discharge semen without the intent to fertilize." It's ...
Two Ohio lawmakers say they are planning to introduce a bill, and it has generated quite a bit of attention from both sides ...
The bill would ban unprotected sex without the intent of procreation. Sponsoring Sen. Bradford Blackmon, D-Canton, hopes to ...