The penultimate episode of Severance season 2, "The After Hours," had some pretty big reveals and raised a whole lot of huge ...
Following two episodes away from our main heroes, 'The After Hours' rushes through a ton of plot—but it's all (seemingly) in ...
At the start of Severance’s second season, Mark (Adam Scott) aims to reunite the MDR team. He immediately achieves this goal, ...
In the first scene of season 2’s penultimate episode, “The After Hours,” we watch a literal ticking clock as Helena Eagan ...
Ms. Huang packs her bags, Dylan files a request, Burt and Irving take a drive, and Mark and Devon have a moving moment ...
The Twilight Zone episode "The After Hours" can best explain the lives of mannequins and Innies alike on Severance.
An episode of the 'The Twilight Zone' shares its name with 'Severance' Season 2, Episode 9, 'The After Hours,' now streaming ...
Apple TV show 'Severance' just released its season 2 penultimate episode, and fans have cooked up a healthy heaping of new ...
This story contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 9 of “Severance,” now streaming on Apple TV+. Does the penultimate episode ...
The latest episode of Severance shares a name with (and directly references) an episode of the classic sci-fi anthology ...
This experiment in work-life balance forces employees to exist in two different realities: their "innie" lives, confined to ...
From the fate of the MDR crew to the truth about Cold Harbor, Episode 9 of Severance Season 2 left us with some big unsolved ...