Though it often addresses men, the Quran has much to say about women: from marriage and divorce to property rights.
1,104 students from 32 schools participate, with 120 emerging as winners ...
Ramadan is the month of the Quran — timeless, universal and meant for all, calling for renewed wonder and devotion ...
Those with conditions such as depression, anxiety or ADHD may find it difficult to fulfil their religious obligations during ...
Finding the right online Quran classes for kids can be a challenge for parents who want their children to learn the Quran in ...
"You get a lot more buy in for students when you show up for them," said Jennifer Hale, assistant principal of Ben Franklin ...
Introduction to Quran Ijazah Online in California Quran Ijazah Online in Sacramento is a certified document for one who wants ...
Mecca: Mecca Region Deputy Governor Prince Saud bin Mishaal bin Abdulaziz has inaugurated the Holy Quran Museum, a key ...
The centuries-old Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque, located in the Silvan district of Diyarbakır, southeastern Türkiye, has been ...
Mahiawi, a Moroccan Quran reciter, received recognition at the inaugural UAE International Quran Competition in Abu Dhabi. ...
The objective of the event is to encourage the People of Determination to embrace the Book of Allah in terms of memorisation, ...
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the Holy Quran contains divine guidance about how to deal ...