Doctors agree that salmon is great for you. But despite so many advantages, it might be best to eat salmon in moderation.
After years of protests, court battles and even picketing, Klamath tribes are able to return to a restored river.
Chinook salmon fishing on the main stem of the Columbia River has been extended through the end of the year. The decision comes after state fishery managers assessed harvest in the fall season ...
While salmon is often touted as a healthy, natural food, synthetic ingredients may be lurking in your slice of the sea.
The air fryer makes cooking salmon extremely convenient, but you can't just toss it in and hope for the best. Chef Rachel ...
Stanton said it was among the best Atlantic salmon he’s caught, which is occasional, not consistent, as there aren’t that ...
For the first time in more than a century, salmon are swimming freely along the Klamath River and its tributaries near the ...
Can you set aside a few hours next Saturday to do something that matters in a big way? You can help endangered Southern ...
In this episode, host Zach Urness talks about three major stories involving salmon in Oregon. And, he posts a fun song about ...
The fall chum run was the third lowest on record, but summer chum numbers supported subsistence fishing and Chinook arrivals ...
Auburn, Maine, U.S.A.-based seafood brand Scott & Jon’s is expanding its offerings of frozen seafood bowls. The company said ...
England's Atlantic salmon population has sunk to a record low, the latest indicator that its marine and freshwater ecosystems ...