See this filing, which is a precursor to asking the Third Circuit for a stay. Given the extremely late timing, I don’t give this much chance of success.
Across battleground states, attorneys who helped former President Donald Trump undermine confidence in the 2020 election results are back at it, filing lawsuits that seed doubt in advance about this ...
Order: By threatening criminal proceedings for broadcasting a “political advertisement claiming that current Florida law does not allow physicians to perform abortions necessary to preserve the lives ...
You can read a set of opinions here. From Judge Clay’s concurrence: Plaintiff’s complaint also suffers from flaws on the merits. Plaintiff’s theory of injury, for example, argues that that “once the ...
CNN: More than a dozen Republicans who were “fake electors” in 2020, including several facing criminal charges, are serving as former President Donald Trump’s official electors in battleground states ...
The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation of U.S. Election Law, 134 Yale Law Journal (forthcoming 2025), draft available: Reckoning with the Undead Irreparable Injury Rule ...
Important new paper from Mackenzie Lockhart, Jennifer Gaudette, Seth J. Hill, Thad Kousser, Mindy Romero, and Laura Uribe. Here is the abstract: Counting and certifying election results in the United ...
On Instagram, creator Mrs. Frazzled can get more than a million viewers for her goofy videos “parenting” misbehaving adults. One recent hit showed bartenders how to talk to drunk customers like ...
Did Donald Trump lose the election in 2020? Not by the words that I would use.” Vance has been repeatedly asked in recent weeks if he thinks his running mate lost … Continue reading → ...
The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation of U.S. Election Law, 134 Yale Law Journal (forthcoming 2025), draft available: Reckoning with the Undead Irreparable Injury Rule ...
ProPublica: Right-wing strategists still talk about what happened in Detroit in 2020, when poll watchers stood outside the absentee ballot counting center, banging on windows and shouting “Stop the ...