They expressed their determination to protect all civilians in armed conflict; uphold their disarmament obligations and ...
红十字国际委员会黎巴嫩代表处主任西蒙娜·卡萨维安卡·埃施利曼表示:“这项重要行动提供了十分必要的援助,但需求仍在大幅增长。虽然我们的外科医疗队和医疗物资将有助于减轻医疗系统的负担,但当地迫切需要持续、安全的人道援助。人道危机每时每刻都在加深。” ...
Бейрут (МККК): Международный Комитет Красного Креста (МККК) направил в больницу, расположенную в южной части Бейрута, ...
Beyrouth (CICR) – Une équipe chirurgicale spécialisée du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) ayant l’expérience des ...
Beirut (ICRC) – A specialized surgical team from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) experienced in war ...
For people in the Central African Republic, clean drinking water is hard to come by, owing to a lack of investment in the ...
Dakar (ICRC) – Admissions of severely malnourished children in health facilities supported by the International Committee of ...
The Surgical Learning Hub (SLH) and the Global Network for Weapon-Wounded Care aim to reduce morbidity and mortality rates among weapon-wounded patients by improving the quality of hospital and ...
了解您作为个人如何支持我们的人道工作,帮助因武装冲突而饱受苦难的民众。 应对危机可能令人不知所措,往往引发各种情绪和心理健康挑战,如愤怒、悲伤、焦虑、失眠以及压力加剧。
„Das medizinische Personal lebt unter chronischem Stress, hat Angst und leidet an Depressionen“, erklärt er, während er uns die spartanisch ausgestatteten Räume zeigt, in denen Patienten und ...
In this regard, the ICRC has a favorable view of the efforts toward a dedicated legally binding instrument on the prevention ...