The Slovak National Party (SNS) has called on outgoing Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) to immediately meet the Medical Trade Union Association and representatives of other similar trade ...
Business monthly Forbes Slovakia on Wednesday released a ranking of the 45 wealthiest Slovaks, claiming that their total assets reach almost €19 billion, a yearly increase of €4 billion. Meanwhile, ...
Slovakia's exports exceeded imports in August 2024 as well, even though both exports and the trade surplus recorded year-on-year drops, the Statistics Office reported on Wednesday. The trade surplus ...
The coalition proposal to complete the financing of local and regional authorities comes too late and is inadequate, representatives of opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) declared on Tuesday in ...
Prosecutor Ondrej Repa of the Prosecutor-General's Office has put a conditional stop to the criminal prosecution of six corruption items and misuse of public official's power in the Toll Collector ...
President Peter Pellegrini urged the government on Tuesday to start talks with disgruntled health personnel on the planned consolidation measures, as his decision on whether or not he vetoes the ...
Opposition's SaS, Progressive Slovakia (PS) and 'Slovakia' parties took potshots at President Peter Pellegrini over his decision not to accept the resignation from Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova ...
Opposition's KDH and 'Slovakia' parties call on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) to oust Government Proxy for Investigation into COVID-19 Pandemic Management Peter Kotlar over Kotlar disseminating ...
Health personnel across the entire sector unanimously reject the consolidation measures in the health sector passed by Parliament and voiced this stance at their meeting with President Peter ...
It is not yet decided what shape will the aid with high energy prices for households take, as it might be a targeted aid but also a "helicopter money" scheme, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) ...
Prešov 9. októbra (TASR) - Zemetrasenie, ktoré sa vyskytlo vlani v októbri na východnom Slovensku, bolo v rámci celého Slovenska najsilnejším od roku 1930. Išlo o mimoriadny jav, pretože ani za desaťr ...
Modra 9. októbra (TASR) - Vláda schválila viac ako 1,55 milióna eur na projekty obcí a miest okresov Malacky, Pezinok a iných právnických osôb. Urobila tak v stredu na svojom výjazdovom rokovaní v Mod ...