Basilica di San Petronio | Sito Ufficiale
Il sito ufficiale della Basilica di San Petronio - info e news su incontri, eventi e tante curiosità. A Bologna dal 1390.
Official Website - Basilica di San Petronio
The official website of the Basilica of San Petronio - info and news about meetings, events and many interesting facts. In Bologna since 1390.
The Basilica | Basilica di San Petronio
Built between 1390 and 1663, the Basilica of San Petronio is one of the most majestic and important examples of an Italian Gothic cathedral. Despite its large scale (132 metres long, 60 metres wide and 44 metres high), the Basilica has a harmonious, balanced look that tones down the sometimes exaggerated verticality of the Gothic style ...
Info e orari - Basilica di San Petronio
La Basilica di San Petronio si trova in Piazza Maggiore, 40124, Bologna, BO. Per le persone con disabilità è disposto un ingresso privilegiato alla Basilica, entrata laterale da Via de’ Pignattari, munita di rampa per accedere all’ingresso in Basilica.
Visite - Basilica di San Petronio
Tutti sono i benvenuti alla Basilica di San Petronio: chi vuole esplorarne il patrimonio artistico o chi cerca un momento di spiritualità troverà nella Basilica un luogo capace di regalare esperienze significative.
Info and opening hours | Basilica di San Petronio
The Basilica of San Petronio is located in Piazza Maggiore, 40124, Bologna, BO. There is a special entrance to the Basilica for people with disabilities, a side entrance from Via de’ Pignattari equipped with a ramp.
Contact us | Basilica di San Petronio
Please email [email protected] to book a visit to the Basilica and the Chapel of Re Magi.
Historical archive - Basilica di San Petronio
The Fabbrica or Fabbriceria of San Petronio is the institution created in 1389 by the Municipality of Bologna to oversee the construction and later the preservation of the great Basilica dedicated to the city’s patron saint and to manage the allocated funds.
Further info | Basilica di San Petronio
The Basilica of San Petronio is an important cultural centre in the heart of Bologna. Its prime location in Piazza Maggiore makes it a focal point not only for religious ceremonies, but also for various cultural events. Find out what you need to know about the Basilica and the activities that take place there.
Music Archive - Basilica di San Petronio
The collection preserved in the Music Archive of the Basilica of San Petronio attests to the production of the historic chapel, which since the mid-15th century has included some of the most renowned maestros and performers.